The Next Poster Child

The world is always crowning someone to be its' next "Poster Child" for success.  It's what fuels the "American Dream".  It is what motivates you to keep working yourselves to the bone each week, looking forward to the day when times are better.  The reality?  There is no better time than the present.  Tomorrow is not promised, so why are you waiting on it to bring better days?  Seize the day.  Enjoy the moment.  All of these cliche statements have their meaning, their points.  Maybe it's time that you listen? The "Hunger Games" are real.  At least the ideology behind them are.  A person steps forward to protect those that they love, do some things that they are not so proud of, make a sacrifice , end up in a situation that is not 100% to their liking and as a result protect those that they love from certain death.   Ask yourself this one question.  If there was no one else around to judge, to determine who you were with the exception of yourself, who would you choose to be.  In laymen's terms:  What do YOU want to do, regardless of what anyone else thinks (In the MOST positive way of course)?


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