What does change really mean to you?

I have been working on a project lately that has caused me to think a great deal on the subject of "change" and what it really encompasses and means.  Can we really continue carrying on the way we have been for the last, I don't know, since mankind has existed?  I know that we have our ways about us and we have this mentality of "Only the Strong survives" and "To the victor goes the spoils".  I just wonder, that if all you receive from this world is its praises whether you do good for others or just yourself, is this really enough?  If all there is to measure your existence by is the praise of other men, whether you helped out someone in need or not who cares anyways?  At best, all that will be left of you is a legend, not even the truth of who you were.  Nobody would have shared or cared about your pains, your triumphs, your successes, your failures.  No one would still know who you really are, just an idea of who they want you to be, just like when you were alive.  And that when its all said and done, its not even you they worship and adore, but some figment of their own imaginations, that in truth, probably sounded alot better than the REAL you to them.  So why are we trying so hard to be somebody to other people, when in truth, they don't really want to know who you are or anything about you anyways?

The things that I am saying are not to cause people to give up on each other, its to bring to mind some of the things that nobody seems to want to say, but that we all probably fall victim to at some point in our lives.  We all love a happy ending to a movie, yet none of us want to make the sacrifices that it takes to make those "eventual" happy endings.  Happy endings don't happen overnight, they take work, and effort, and you have to fight for them.  You have to believe in them and work towards them and sometimes you have to give up your frivolous personal desires to achieve them.  Change requires just that.  Change.  Change in mind, change in how we think about things, change in our awareness of the "true" world around us.  Change of something.

I was reading about the top 20 countries in the world for economic growth today.  Do you want to know the sickest part about it?  Some of the countries on the list were only there because their GDP was so low that they had nowhere to go but up, not because there was any CHANGE or GROWTH there.  There is so much going on, that I want to change.  Sometimes, I feel helpless to do so, like the corruption is so high up and deep that it wouldn't matter anyways; then whatever change I helped to come about, would only be forgotten by future generations anyways.  Truth is, sometimes its hard, even for me to remember what is important.  To keep my eyes focused on who I want to be and not the industry that produced me would have me be, if that makes any sense.  I want to be a conscious person, I want to care about others, I want to not perpetuate the same behaviors that I say I hate.  I want to CHANGE.  I want to be AWAKE.


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